Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jack's Rotten Apple Hard Cider

So it keeps rolling on.  Fermentation has stopped after a week and a half in the secondary so got some conditioning going on-gonna wait till next thursday before bottling.  Hoping I can pick up another carboy or two so I can roll three brews at once, a nice ale would be nice but the Vanilla Coffee Stout is next up to be brewed on Monday.  Will keep the updates coming.

Willy Blanks


  1. Can't wait to sample the cider! Still looks cloudy but what do I know from cider. As long as it tastes good it's all gravy. Just like One Eyed Willy says "Wheres the gravy?"

  2. Funny how I'm not given any credit for this cider! What suga mama bought that stuff?! :P Very excited- can't wait for the unveiling! The sneak peak was pretty tasty already!


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