Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Blonde Porn Star

So the Journey Begins, Story of my life, pleasing the women of my life. Creating a beer to your own likings is easy, but to figure out what SHE wants may become much more problematic. So it begins, The Blonde Porn Star, Light, Fluffy, yet with a hint of bitterness, and a lack of floral aromas.
Ahhhhh the ingredients, only the best from Larry's Brewing Supply, Pilsner Malt, German Yeast, Fuggle Hop Pellets ( Larry's Recommendation-never used pellets so this will be a first) and some Crystal 10L Grains.

Before I begin we thought we might start the season early with a few new brews which caught our eyes as we walked the beer selection in the local QFC.

This time around i opted to go with filtered water, our apartment water lends an aftertaste similar to licking a hop flavored water hose with a bite of Bothell Washington added in for extra flavor.... Rachel and i both can live without!

This Blonde Porn Star needs a man with a large sack (no pun intended) to sow the seeds which i just happen to have one on hand to prepared my grains.

Ready to go, got the water fired up and ready to seep my grains, approximately 20 minutes, as the grains sat the blonde's juice begain to gain character. While the grains added the needed character to this sassy blonde, i took this time to weight out my hops and warm this blondes sweet spot for when we really turn the heat up, to get this baby boiling.

We'll cut to the chase, and forget the foreplay lets see some pictures..........beer porn!

Unfortunately my Blonde Porn Star doesn't like to get hot while i watch Sunday night football and gave me that sassy attitudes she is known for, all it took was a touch down and a lap around the apartment and, yes, of course the boil over.

But a little attitude wont stop me, while i wait for my ice bath to cool my girl down, i took the time to clean up the mess and do my due diligence in sanitization to prepare my carboy and other pornstar handling equipment.

Like with most women, the time and effort is always worth the final taste, but right now this Blonde needs some rest, and so do I...........more to come.


  1. formatting took just as long as brewing! and it still didn't post very good aha

  2. Yeah the formatting is silly on this blog-thanks for the post man-when i come over this Christmas we gonna have to hook it up and exchange some brews....

  3. Awww Ryan- you're all grown up and making your own beer! ;)

  4. yes i am, i'm actually brewing up another batch at the same time just put it together lastnight, hard cider actually, hoping it will be done by the holidays!!!!!got my fingers crossed

  5. I know your post is like two weeks old now, just wanted to say thanks for a good post. Keep us updated on this brew!

  6. update: initial taste was pretty good bottled about 8 days ago....ill keep you posted to let you know how it turns out, hopefully rachel likes it, since this brew was for her. the cider is wow at intital taste and bottled it about 2 days ago.

  7. ok final update on this brew, so we've drank enough that i can probably have an opinion by now. the beer was ok, not really my style but rachel felt it fit her tastes fairly well, it was a little heavy for a blonde, and lacked a bitterneess that i need to balance the beer a little more, but rachel likes the sweetness of this beer so i guess i accomplished what i was going for. next time if i do it again may tweak the hopping so that we both can enjoy

    on a side note, we couldn't wait for christmas to try the cider, and wow so bomb i can't really explain it, and with around 12.5% alc. it will be well worth the wait for the holidays ahahah.

    stay true and still brew...

    altona's brew juice


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